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Healthy Relationship with Tech – Nerdful Mind #74

June 13, 2021 by Simon Mannes

What does it mean to have a healthy relationship with tech?

As developers, we spend many of our waking hours and most of our working hours in front of screens.

Most of us have a smartphone, and many have on-screen hobbies or side-projects.

You can still have a healthy relationship with tech.

Despite spending most of your time with it.

So what makes our relationship with our phones, computers, and tablets healthy?

It's about interacting with intent. Conscious, mindful, and with clear goals. Too often, I mindlessly open a new tab or reach for my phone, without thinking about it. That's not healthy because it doesn't happen on my terms.

If you decide you want to spend less time in front of screens, great! And if you like your interactions with tech and want to be a little more mindful the next time you open an app, that's great too!

Just decide what you want to do before you do it.

“Technology should Be Your Servant, Not Your Master” ― Ludovic Tendron

Reading Recommendations

Tips for Mindful Technology Use

“9. Learn to tolerate boredom. Boredom is the gateway to creativity and social/interpersonal motivation. If we are always seeking instant distraction we never develop other internal self-soothing skills and the desire to extend beyond ourselves.”

The Effects of Smartphones on Your Brain

“ Walk into any public venue and you will probably find people using their phones for a variety of purposes, from conducting business calls to checking their email to updating their Twitter. Our phones have become an inextricable part of our lives. But does this reliance on smartphones have any impact on our brains? Some recent research suggests that it might.”

SQL Indexing and Tuning e-Book for developers: Use The Index, Luke covers Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, ...

A completely free SQL indexing and tuning tutorial for developers. No unnecessary database details—just what developers need to know. Covers all major SQL databases.

Weekly Mindfulness Practice

Notice every time you reach for your phone.

For me, that was difficult. And it was surprising how often I unlocked my phone without having a clear goal.

End Note

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